Design by Adis Alić
The scientific journal "Acta Catallactics Journal of Economic and General Social Issues" was founded in 2019 and is published twice a year by the "Multi" Association and the International Business and Information Academy Tuzla.
The journal is aimed at scholars and experts who are engaged in the study of economic and general social issues. He publishes papers that contribute to theoretical, methodological and empirical insights in all economic fields as well as other fields covered by the social sciences. Papers can be based on qualitative and quantitative analyzes, can represent syntheses of research to date, and indicate open questions in selected areas of social and economic practice.
Papers of different levels of research (from individual cases to smaller or larger samples) and different contextual frameworks (from micro units to broader socio-economic frameworks) are accepted. The papers are published in both English and Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian.
The journal provides many benefits for authors such as the free print edition of the journal, which publishes the author's article and discounts on participation in scientific and professional conferences organized by the journal's editorial staff. Also, some authors will receive as a gift the current issues of the Association Multi and the International Business and Information Academy Tuzla.
The journal does not ask the author for any fees for publishing the articles. Please read the Author Instructions for additional information on submitting articles for review in the journal. Please feel free to contact us if you need further information.