Design by Adis Alić
All submitted papers are approved by the editorial board of Acta Catallactics, a journal for economic and general social affairs, and submitted for two anonymous, objective and independent reviews.
Based on reviews, the Editor-in-Chief may accept the paper, request minor or major changes to be made, or reject the paper. If major changes are requested, the paper will be subject to a second round of reviews. In case of conflicting reviews, a third reviewer is consulted. Manuscripts can be categorized as original scientific articles, previous publications, review articles, and professional papers.
Papers are published in English and Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian.
Papers must include title, abstract and keywords (3 to 6 keywords) in English and Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian. The editorial staff will provide translation of titles, abstracts and keywords to authors whose mother tongue is not Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian.
Each paper (including abstracts, tables, graphics, and references) should contain a minimum of 5,000 and a maximum of 7,500 words. The paper should be written in the third person singular. If abbreviations are used, the full name in the first mention should always be given.
Page format: The paper should be formatted on sheets of 210 x 297 mm (A4 format). The text must be aligned on both sides. Do not number pages.
Font size: Times New Roman 12
First page: On the first page of the paper, provide the title of the article, the name of the author with the corresponding academic titles, jobs, institutions and contact information. The following is a summary and keywords.
Summary: The summary should give the essence of the paper (information of methodological character) and explain the results of the paper. The abstract must be relevant and concise, and can contain up to 250 words. Write concisely and clearly. The abstract follows the title of the paper. The summary should include the following information:
Purpose - what are the reasons for writing the paper and / or the goals of the research. Design / Methodology / Approach - what methods and approaches were used in the research. Results and implications - what are the most important outputs, what are the main theoretical and / or managerial implications. Limitations - Specify limitations in the research process. Originality - what is new in the paper, what is the value of the research. Keywords: List 3 to 6 keywords.
Second Page (in another language): Provide article title, abstract, and keywords.
Text of the paper: The text of the article should be divided into chapters. Number the chapters and subsections in a logical way. Highlighting words in italics and bold is not recommended, except when authors want to emphasize certain parts of the text. If abbreviations are used, the full name in the first mention should always be given.
Figures, Tables and Charts: All figures, tables and charts must be clearly displayed. Each picture, table and chart must have a number and a name (listed above the view) and a source (listed below the view). If the views are submitted on separate sheets, their position in the work should be clearly indicated.
Bibliography: The list of all references used must be given at the end of the article, in the alphabetical order of the first author's surname. Prepare references according to Harvard Citation Rules. The list of references must include Cross Ref DOI numbers assigned wherever possible.
We invite interested authors who wish to publish their work in our journal by submitting their papers electronically to the following e-mail address: editor@actacatallactics.ba. The journal is published twice a year, but the application process is open throughout the year.
The scientific journal "Acta Catallactics, Journal of Economic and General Social Issues" accepts previously unpublished papers. Submitting papers to more than one journal at the same time is not an accepted behavior and will not be tolerated. Authors of accepted and categorized work published in the journal "Acta Catallactics, Journal of Economic and General Social Issues" may not publish the work in any other place without the prior permission of the Editorial Board. When further publication is permitted by the Editorial Board, the author should indicate where the work was originally published. Prior to submitting a paper for publication, authors are advised to study the Editorial and Ethics Policies.